Ms. Courtney Girard Brown » Using Division Strategies with Larger Numbers

Using Division Strategies with Larger Numbers

* We DO NOT use long division in 4th grade
Generation Genius - Partial Quotients
Generation Genius - Intro to Division 
Generation Genius - Intro to Remainders in Division 
Generation Genius - Division Using Area Model 
WHY:  In this unit students continue using computational and problemsolving strategies, with a focus on building conceptual understanding of division of larger numbers and division with remainders. Area of rectangles provide one context for developing such understanding. These standards are all listed in this unit because they support each other.  You are solving contextual problem (4.OA.3) with area measurement (4.MD.A.3) and non-measurement contexts. Standard 4.NBT.B.6 is only listed here because it so closely relates to the OA and MD standard.  They are NOT intended to be taught as isolated standards.