Hillary Stephens » Middle School Jr. Beta Club

Middle School Jr. Beta Club

The TFAA Junior Beta Club sponsors are pleased to invite eligible 4th-8th grade students to join the TFAA Chapter of the Jr. Beta Club. The Beta Club is a national honor society that rewards academic, moral, and leadership excellence, as well as providing service to our school and community. 
TFAA has two divisions for our Beta Club, elementary and middle school. The Middle School division is for current 6th-8th graders, and the sponsors are Ms. Stephens and Ms. Heim. As members of the TFAA Jr. Beta Club, students will be given the opportunity to attend monthly bi-meetings and participate in service projects. 
Students who were in Elementary Beta are welcome to join in September as long as they completed their 5th grade year in good standing. Open enrollment for new Betas opens in January. 
Middle School Beta Questions: 
Hillary Stephens: [email protected]
Dulcie Heim: [email protected]
Elementary School Beta Questions:
Resa Martin: [email protected]