- Doctor or dentist appointment (for student only)
- A death in the immediate family (father, mother, brother, sister, aunts, uncles, or grandparents)
- Personal illness
- Required court appearance
- Religious observances (TCA49-6-3005)
- Parent Notes: 8 parent notes for illness will be accepted during the school year for an excused absence.
Procedure to follow after an absence:
- Student's Full Name
- Date of Absence
- Reason of Absence
- Parent signature
- Phone number where parent can be reached.
Any doctor's excuses and parent notes should be sent to the Attendance Office at TFAA within five days. After five days, the absence automatically becomes unexcused.
The student is responsible for asking for make-up work.
The student will have a maximum of five days to make-up his/her work from the last day of the absence. If the five-day time period ends after the last day of the nine weeks and the student has not completed the make-up work, the student will be given an "I" (incomplete).
Tardies to school and class or leaving school early (LU-late unexcused mark)(Per semester).
Students will receive a written warning after five unexcused tardies.
Students are permitted 10 unexcused tardies per semester. After that, students will serve detention or spend a day in ISS.